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Finally Heal, Find Self Love & Create a Soul Legacy

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With Aiswarya



As we connect in this sacred moment know that you are here for a reason. A resonance between your energy and mine is a divine sign that our paths were destined to cross.


Within you is the heart of a healer, the spirit of a warrior and the radiant love of a light worker. With your deep sensitivity and soul gifts, you are destined to play a crucial role in the planet's ascension at this time with your sole presence and divine gifts.


Walking this path of ascension and healing with me is about aligning with your soul's highest calling. Touching every part of your life — health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality.


Just as tending to the earth is vital for the flourishing of a magnificent tree, so is the cleansing of your physical, emotional, and energetic layers of the body, critical for unlocking your unique creation codes and embodying an evolved Superconsciousness form of humanity on Earth.


I am here to guide you in healing and activating the vibrational wealth that is inherently yours. To unlock the full potential of your soul path and reclaim your innate abilities, gifts and soul legacy.


Your energy, is a precious vibrational gold at this time on the planet, that will elevate your life and those around you simply with your awakened presence.


By virtue of reclaiming your full soul design and soul destiny, you will effortlessly magnetise all your desires and wishes. Leading to a life full of fulfilment, depth, profound love, and radiant freedom, reflecting the truest expression of who you are.


It is your birthright to unapologetically express every aspect of your being through your lifestyle, purpose and relationships. To stay anchored in your truth, and to walk the true path of your soul with unwavering conviction.


It is your divine duty to create an overflow of love, abundance, and light within you igniting a transformative ripple effect that touches every corner of your existence.


By remembering why you came here you will liberate back into soul wealth, you will elevate your vibrational frequency, becoming a beacon of inspiration and transformation to those around you.


This is how you will shift the collective consciousness by living your authentic, one of a kind soul design.


As you embrace your unique soul design you attract your soul destiny the right people, opportunities, and experiences will flow into your life effortlessly. Your healed, full and majestic presence will draw in soul-deep connections and soulmate relationships, enriching your journey with profound love and companionship.


With confidence and clarity, you will assert authority over your reality, reclaiming your personal creative power and setting energetic standards that elevate your interactions. You will navigate life with grace and ease, unshaken by external circumstances, and fully aligned with your true purpose.


Embracing your birthright means embracing the fullness of who you are, stepping into your power, and living your soul path with unwavering authenticity and purpose. It is time to reclaim your divine heritage and radiate your soul light brightly for the world to see.

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Soul Wealth & Legacy

Unlock supernatural Abundance by offering your natural abilities, passions and gifts

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Heal and Activate Your Soul Design

Heal on the deepest levels to magnetise everything you know is meant for you

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Awaken Your Soul Voice

Express yourself fully and freely, by harnessing and healing your throat and sacral chakra



Aiswarya is a Soul Legacy Activator specialising in guiding spiritual and creative entrepreneurs to unlock their supernatural abundance by fully finding and expressing their unique and divine soul gifts.


With a background in business, she graduated from the University of London with a focus on branding, messaging, and advertising psychology. Coming from a family of healers and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship has always been in her blood.


After landing a promising career in the finance industry in the heart of London's financial district, Aiswarya realised her true calling lay elsewhere. She made the bold decision to leave the corporate world behind after just 6 months and never looked back.


Drawing on her creative talents, she ventured into the music industry, serving as a creative director for music videos while pursuing her passion as a professional recording artist and songwriter.


In her role as a creative director, Aiswarya honed her skills in effectively communicating brands' messages through creativity and visual storytelling. This experience laid the foundation for her transition into assisting coaches, healers, and creative business owners in crafting their own legacy adverts. Using avant-garde visuals reminiscent of music videos, she helps her clients convey their vision and messaging in a compelling and memorable way.


In addition to visual storytelling, Aiswarya specialises in hosting virtual events to help her clients attract their ideal audience and dream clients. Her approach is holistic, integrating both new paradigm business strategies and spiritual principles to support her clients in achieving their vision and leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Aiswarya's journey into the realm of healing began at a young age, as she embarked on a path of spiritual exploration and discovery. Immersed in the practice of Kundalini meditation from the tender age of 14, she visited ashrams every year in India, where she deepened her understanding under the guidance of her father, a revered master Kundalini practitioner. These formative experiences served as the bedrock of her spiritual journey, shaping her approach to healing and guiding others along their paths.


For over 15 years, Aiswarya has served as a dedicated Kundalini meditation practitioner in London, facilitating both group sessions and private consultations. It was during a transformative plant medicine journey that she experienced a profound awakening, gaining clarity on her soul's purpose and divine gifts. This pivotal moment ignited her mission to guide others on their own paths of soul-discovery and healing.


With a grandfather who was a respected medical medium and healer in South India, she carries forward a legacy of spiritual wisdom and healing practices.

Aiswarya underwent two years of training in mediumship. While she doesn't identify as a traditional medium, she possesses the unique ability to connect with her ancestors and those of her clients.


From the synthesis of these diverse experiences and teachings, Aiswarya birthed the Soul Light Activation Method—a transformative approach to healing throughout all the layers of the body. Central to her mission is the activation of the master healer within each individual, facilitating a shift towards a new paradigm of healing rooted in the recognition of the innate power of Source.


As a teacher, guide, and mystic, Aiswarya channels the healing power of sound frequencies through her singing, fostering ascension and harmony on both personal and planetary levels. With unwavering dedication, she continues to illuminate the path for others, empowering them to embrace their true essence and step into their roles as healers and catalysts for positive change.


I'm beyond grateful to have crossed paths with Aiswarya. She stands out as a heartfelt, genuine, generous healer and coach I've encountered in my journey so far.


Aiswarya's approach is different; her teachings don't just sound good, they truly work. The shifts I've experienced since beginning our journey together is profound.


She has a unique ability to connect on a deep level, offering insights, healing and guidance that resonate deeply and lead to real change.


Finding Aiswarya was a turning point for me, one that has led to genuine results.



Anything Aiswarya offers, I'm there—every single time, it's a no brainer.


The pivotal moment for me was learning how to activate my soul design and destiny through her guidance.


Understanding how to illuminate my master light and mastering the Soul Activation Method has been transformative.


Now, I'm on the path to creating abundance from a place of flow, genuine heart and purpose.


I felt an immediate connection with her message from the first time I saw her work. I’m sticking with her for the long haul.


Walk with me in a vision, where the essence of divine collaboration and holistic unity gently whispers, we stand at the threshold of a brand new era. This is not just a new chapter; it's the dawn of a golden age, a time when the universe conspires to shower abundance upon us, each drop a testament to the unique gifts we hold deep within our souls.


Imagine, for a moment, a world where the cold, rigid structures of hierarchy melt away into a symphony of balance and harmony. A world where every soul contributes to the tapestry of collective wellbeing, weaving their innate talents and divine essence into a masterpiece of communal prosperity.


Dream with me, a dream of healing that stretches beyond the self, a healing that reaches back to tenderly repair the wounds of our ancestors and stretches forward to sow the seeds of a vibrant, flourishing future for those yet to come. This healing journey is our legacy, a sacred path of wellness that we cultivate within ourselves and generously share with the world around us.


Envision a society reborn, one where the constrictive chains of the old systems are replaced with the fluid grace of organic, holistic communities. Here, cooperation and love triumph over competition and strife, and every victory is a shared celebration of unity.


In this vision, the barriers that once divided us are dissolved by the healing power that flows from our very essence. We embark on a journey of rebirth, not just for ourselves but for the lineage we carry and the generations that will follow. Each step we take is a step towards creating a world where no soul is overlooked, and every contribution is cherished.


Most profoundly, imagine a world where our connection to the Divine is not a distant memory but a vivid, living reality. Each of us, a unique vessel of the Divine, becomes a beacon of light, love, and healing. Through our actions, our words, and our very presence, we channel and anchor light upon this Earth, creating a luminous network of light bearers, each igniting the path for others to follow.


This vision is not just a fleeting dream; it's a heartfelt invitation to you, to embrace the calling of this golden age. It's a call to lead, to heal, to pioneer new paths, and to illuminate the world with the light of your soul. Now is the moment to awaken your divine gifts, to align with your sacred destiny, and to manifest the legacy that only you can bring forth.


Let us unite in this sacred mission, to dismantle the outdated paradigms and weave a new reality where harmony prevails, where every heart beats in unison with Mother Earth and the higher realms. Together, we will live, love, and lead in alignment with our highest truths, creating a world where every soul flourishes in the light of their divine potential.




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